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Heavy news 丨 public article can be inserted into any 小程序 without association binding


微信 background and new rules! That is公众号文章无需进行关联绑定操作即可直接插入任意微信小程序. But with regard to this major positive news, 微信 officially did not carry out official announcements, then, what is the value and usefulness of this ability? The order was mostly found in the background and found——

In the past, if you want to insert 小程序 in the public article, you must first bind the 小程序. The steps are complicated and cause news harassment to the public fans. In addition, if 小程序 wants to promote through multiple public numbers, it must be subject to the same public. The number can only be associated with the 10 小程序 of the same subject and the 3 小程序 of different subjects, which undoubtedly increases the promotion cost of 小程序.

Fortunately, the 微信 team finally solved this pain point and completely released the ability of the public article to be inserted into any 小程序. The operator only needs to click the 小程序 toolbar in the public number background and enter the 小程序 name to insert it directly, which is simple and fast, one step in place.

1547629198138992.jpg 除此之外,序多多在后台操作后还发现:


"AppID" is equivalent to 小程序 "ID" in 微信. With it, the 微信 client can determine your 小程序 "identity" and use the advanced interface provided by 微信.

In the past, if you want to get the "AppID" of a 小程序, you must have the developer or manager of the 小程序 enter the background to view it, and others can't view the 小程序 "AppID".

But现在,不管是自己的,还是别人的小程序AppID,一夜之间都可以直接查看并调用了, the operation is also very simple:





以前,当在公共文章中插入小程序时,小程序有三种显示形式:“text”,“picture”和“小程序 card”。现在,小程序展示形式新增“小程序码”,在插入文章后,它可以显示小程序代码,这也意味着将来,小程序代码可以随时自由生成和调用。


润物细无声。微信静默更新后,公共号码和小程序将被无缝转移。公共号码将为粉丝提供小程序服务而不会打扰粉丝。对于小程序,仅此而已。更多的促销渠道大大降低了促销成本。在未来,小程序+公众号的联动运营将变得更加直接和方便,从媒体和小程序实现的道路将变得更加多样化。 沈阳微信小程序




