SF 微信小程序 first launched the drug delivery scene, pushing the "medical mail" service
发表时间:2019-07-15 11:37:34
标签:网站建设 小程序开发 小程序制作 微信小程序开发 公众号开发 微信公众号开发 网页设计 网站优化 网站排名 网站设计 微信小程序设计 小程序定制 微信小程序定制
Recently,“顺丰速运+”微信小程序上线全新寄件场景——“医药寄”, this is the first time SF Express has released a drug delivery service on the mobile side.
It is understood that the medicine is based on the latest "Pharmaceutical Anxin" product launched by SF Express. The personal and monthly customer's medical delivery requirements can be developed through SF Express +微信 small 沈阳小程序
The "medical mail" scene in the program was placed online, and SF Express +微信小程序 was launched in November last year.
The official of SF Group stated that “Pharmaceutical Peace of Mind” re-standardizes the standards for drug delivery operations and makes drug delivery safer for the needs of customers to deliver drugs.
Specifically, in the pharmaceutical receiving link, the drug identification management is increased, the drug classification and classification management is realized, the medical products can be identified, and the timely transportation is suitable for which transportation mode. In the pharmaceutical transfer link, the packaging label has been added, and the medicine will be properly disposed of. The internal technology will be optimized in the delivery and delivery, and priority delivery will be required, and the receipt will be safer.
At present, the medicine peace of mind can be used in the scenes of personal drug delivery, e-commerce drug delivery, drug delivery and replenishment.