微信小程序 involved in the infringement of the Tencent provoked a lawsuit 沈阳 Internet court such a judgme
发表时间:2019-07-15 11:20:49
标签:网站建设 小程序开发 小程序制作 微信小程序开发 公众号开发 微信公众号开发 网页设计 网站优化 网站排名 网站设计 微信小程序设计 小程序定制 微信小程序定制
Today (27th), 沈阳 Internet court on the plaintiff 沈阳 a network company v. defendant a 沈阳 a network company, defendant two Tencent company infringement works information network communication rights disputes two cases of online first public announcement 软件 customization
小程序内容屡屡侵权 连带责任怎么担?
小程序 is a new format in the field of mobile Internet in recent years. Tencent provides basic services for architecture and access to 小程序 developers, and provides underlying technical support services for 小程序 operation through 微信.
"This case is the first case that Tencent was sued as a 微信小程序 service provider. Since its official release in early 2017, 微信小程序 has been built, released, and has the advantage of being used and 小程序's own community attributes at 微信. Rapid development in the ecology. When copyright infringement occurs in 小程序 content running on 微信, does Tencent apply the 'notification to delete' rule? The handling of this case has a certain typical significance." The trial judge said that the defendant registered and developed on Tencent's 微信 微信小程序, without the plaintiff's permission, spread the plaintiff's right to disseminate information on the Internet in 小程序. "The original tells the defendant to bear the tort liability. The defendant II is involved in the case of 小程序 and bears joint liability."
xx 腾讯虽无责 法官有话说
经审理,法院裁定被告赔偿原告每箱经济损失15,000元(包括合理的侵权侵权费用),并驳回原告对被告人Er Tencent的所有索赔。换句话说,腾讯不必承担连带责任。
但是,对于腾讯作为基本网络服务提供商的情况,法官还表示,虽然腾讯在这种情况下不适用于“删除通知”规则,但它没有任何法律义务。 “一方面,根据《中华人民共和国网络安全法》,它不仅有义务在国家安全等刑事犯罪方面协助执法,还积极审查色情,恐怖,赌博等非法和非法信息,发现禁止发布法律,行政法规或者发送信息应立即技术上可行,以阻止信息传递;另一方面,腾讯应对小程序开发者的主要进行实名认证和发布。机构信息确保权利人能够有效,及时地维护权利。腾讯应依靠科学合理的管理机制,知识产权保护机制和纪律机制,在权利保护与技术中立之间保持一定的平衡,共同维护网络尊重知识分子的环境和竞争秩序他人的财产权。“