Baidu Smart 小程序 helps unpaid blood donation AI continues to empower the public and medical
发表时间:2019-07-15 10:24:19
标签:网站建设 小程序开发 小程序制作 微信小程序开发 公众号开发 微信公众号开发 网页设计 网站优化 网站排名 网站设计 微信小程序设计 小程序定制 微信小程序定制
Baidu Smart 小程序 and AI applications are gradually changing all aspects of daily life such as food, clothing, housing and transportation, and public welfare and medical care are no exception. Recently, Baidu United 沈阳 City Blood Donation Office hosted, 沈阳 City Red Cross Blood Center推出的首个献血智能小程序,直连用户与服务,多渠道精准分发,为公益无偿献血助力。
It is understood that users only need to search for "capital blood donation" and "沈阳 blood donation" through Baidu App voice or text, you can click to enter the "Capital Blood Donation" Baidu Smart 小程序 provided by 沈阳 City Red Cross Blood Center, use blood donation appointment, Results such as query, blood donation map, etc. can also query the authoritative blood donation knowledge and related news information. In addition to Baidu App, Baijiahao relies on the search and information flow platform to help authoritative health and blood donation information dissemination, which once again reflects the extension and evolution of Baidu mobile content + AI product ecology in more fields.
Recently, Baidu has launched a combination of boxing in the fields of public welfare and medical care: On May 31, Baidu and Neusoft reached a strategic cooperation, relying on Baidu to fully access the HIS product system in AI's powerful technology, and actively explored and promoted the hospital intelligence. In-depth application of medical big data in the pharmaceutical and insurance industries, promote the exploration and application of artificial intelligence assisted decision-making system in medical institutions; on June 3, the encyclopedia medical code was launched, and cooperated with the ophthalmology authority of 沈阳 Tongren Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, perfected and updated. Knowledge of ocular diseases science. At present, the Encyclopedia Medical Code has been on the line of dozens of eye diseases certified by authoritative experts, covering myopia, pseudomyopia, high myopia, dry eye and other common eye diseases app软件开发
xx 我病了,计划今年推出1000个高质量的内容。通过持续的公益计划和权威的内容科学,每个人都可以在线搜索权威专家带来的健康知识,以帮助全民健康。
近年来,在“巩固移动基础,赢得人工智能时代”的战略指导下,百度的核心业务是“智能化”。百度AI TO B的市场布局也是同步的。百度的人工智能技术优势使其成为推动中国产业结构升级,帮助各行业智能化的重要技术基础。百度AI渗透到第三产业,在金融,医疗,气象预报,智能交通,城市管理等各个行业的智能推动者中发挥着重要作用。与此同时,随着人工智能技术的加速,在百度AI技术和内容生态建设的帮助下,中国在无人驾驶,智慧城市建设,医疗卫生,公益事业等竞争中加速赶超国外先进。等等。水平,显示在角落里超车的势头。