发表时间:2019-07-15 10:13:41
标签:网站建设 小程序开发 小程序制作 微信小程序开发 公众号开发 微信公众号开发 网页设计 网站优化 网站排名 网站设计 微信小程序设计 小程序定制 微信小程序定制
作为虚拟信息与真实世界巧妙融合的能力,AR技术通过生成图像,文字等虚拟信息,从而实现对真实场景的补充。现在开始,通过微信小程序摄像头帧处理能力,结合第三方引擎,便可实现AR效果。基于小程序能力和谷歌TensorFlow机器学习开源平台支持,欧莱雅集团ModiFace试妆引擎开发了AR动态试妆能力,首个应用AR动态试妆的美妆品牌小程序由此诞生。目前,用户可通过访问“阿玛尼美妆官方精品商城” 小程序一键体验3D试妆效果。
XX 此次AR效果的落地,恰逢阿玛尼“红管”新品发布。用户访问小程序浏览“阿玛尼臻致丝绒哑光唇釉”产品时,点击“立即试色”,通过打开摄像头,拍照或调用图片,选择产品面板中不同颜色的唇釉,便可一键汇海“虚拟试妆镜”。在小程序内的“试妆镜”中,用户可直观看到自己的试色效果,甚至还能将多个试色影像进行比对。“试妆镜”还为用户提供了下载按钮,可将图片进行保存或分享他人。用户只通过一块屏幕,便可高效的完成挑选,试妆及后续购买步骤。
XX Merchants can combine their own brand features, develop AR augmented reality gameplay in self-operated 小程序, create a more immersive shopping experience, and attract more users to stop. The launch of the AR Dynamic Test Makeup 小程序 is the first landing of the 微信小程序AR effect. More industry innovation experiences need to be expanded, such as virtual color test in the hairdressing industry, virtual wear in the fashion industry, virtual stores in the retail industry, and digital display of brands.
In a specific way, the merchant can inject multiple stimulation points in a single plane scene, and use the interesting and smooth interaction mode to stimulate the user's desire to purchase through two-way emotional communication between the product and the user.
不止于体验,小程序+AR赋能商家还有品牌服务的延伸, merchants can use the scene to optimize service capabilities, thereby accumulating user reputation and increasing brand communication efficiency.
On the service provider side, you can quickly access the existing engine at 小程序 ecosystem, expand the scope of services, not only can package the AR customization requirements of the brand, but also encapsulate the AR service into a plug-in, which is put on the 微信 open platform service market for more. Developers and brands understand the use. Service providers with insufficient AR capabilities can also make full use of their creativity, call third-party AR engines, or work with AR-capable service provider partners to develop AR scenario services.
Next, 微信 will work with service providers and brand merchants to bring consumers a better shopping and service experience. On this new track, as a co-constructor of 微信 ecology, service providers can make full use of their own advantages, combined with market demand, bring more fresh AR gameplay to the industry, assist in the richness of multi-field formats and upgrade marketing scenarios.