网站建设 APP开发 小程序


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Debut at the China Internet Conference, what new features are there in the 360小程序?


Since the official 汇海 beta on July 5, 360小程序 once again shows up——

From July 9th to 11th, the 2019 (18th) China Internet Conference hosted by the China Internet Association was held at the 沈阳 National Convention Center. At the China Internet Leaders Forum set up by the conference, Hang Cheng, Director of the 360 Group Browser Division, made a production of 软件 around the industry's first majorPC大屏场景小程序平台——360小程序


Keynote Speech.


Hang Cheng clearly stated that 360 will not develop its own mobile terminal 小程序, but when the user turns on the computer, you can use 360小程序; after turning off the computer, you can continue to use the mobile terminal 小程序 when using the mobile phone, so that the 小程序 account can be fully opened. The 360小程序 will completely break the boundary between the PC and the mobile end, and be compatible with the mobile terminal 小程序 of the mainstream platform as much as possible, becoming an extension and supplement of the mobile 小程序.

As we all know, 微信小程序 has been online for three years. During these three years, giants such as Baidu, Ali, and Bytes have flocked in, but the "Super APP+小程序" mode has been the mainstream form of several giants deploying 小程序 ecology. Why did 360 claim to "not develop its own mobile 小程序" and embark on a very different 小程序 development path?

xx 今天的互联网发展路径大致可分为三个阶段:PC时代,移动时代和小程序时代。与PC网站相比,移动APP在用户方面具有更强的交互体验。但是,自互联网发展以来,各种正常APP的发展速度已经开始显着放缓。在PC上返回工作,学习,娱乐等的趋势是显而易见的。 小程序将有机会推动PC流量的转换。






